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Focus On Festivals 165890 visits

Contemporary European case studies and perspectives

Chris Newbold, Christopher Maughan, Jennie Jordan, Franco Bianchini

ISBN: 978-1-910158-15-9 HBK; 978-1-910158-16-6 PBK

A powerful and unique case-study focused, theoretically rigorous and pan-European approach to our most ubiquitous cultural phenomena - festivals.

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Technology and Events 98087 visits

How to create engaging events

Vanessa Martin, Luiz Cazarré

ISBN: 978-1-910158-19-7 hbk; 978-1-910158-25-8 pbk

Explores the use of technology to improve results on all kinds of events from initial planning stages, right through to post event debriefing.

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Strategic Event Creation 115386 visits

Liz Sharples, Philip Crowther, Daryl May, Chiara Orefice

ISBN: 978-1-910158-06-7 HBK; 978-1-910158-07-4 PBK; 978-1-910158-08-1 eBook

This text moves away from an older paradigm of simply ‘making events work’, to show how to manage a sector that now needs to be strategically focused.

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Marketing in Tourism, Events and Food 2nd edition 146737 visits

A Critical Approach

Craig Hirst, Richard Tresidder

ISBN: 978-1-910158-30-2 HBK; 978-1-910158-31-9 PBK; 978-1-910158-32-6 eBook

New edition of this key text with 2 new chapters on Technology and Social Media and Taste and Taste Making and brand new mini cases.

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Winning Meetings and Events for Your Venue 128478 visits

By Rob Davidson and Anthony Hyde

ISBN: 978-1-908999-86-3 pbk; 978-1-908999-88-7 hbk

A clear and comprehensive guide to the wide range of techniques required by sales and marketing staff to effectively win meetings and events business for their venue.

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Marketing in Food, Hospitality, Tourism and Events 206487 visits

A Critical Approach

Richard Tresidder, Craig Hirst

ISBN: 978-1-906884-52-9 hbk; 978-1-906884-22-2 pbk

A unique and critical insight into the marketing process and begins a debate about the nature of the contemporary Food, Tourism, Events & Hospitality industries.

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Event Portfolio Management 83375 visits

Theory and practice for event management

ISBN: 978-1-911396-91-8 HBK; 978-1-911396-92-5 PBK; 978-1-911396-932 eBook

A concise introduction to portfolio theory and methods for use in event management and event tourism. Divided into 2 parts of ‘Theory’ and ‘Practice’ it explains why it is important in event studies and management, and then shows how related methods can be used and adapted using real world international case studies.

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Principles of Festival Management 93191 visits

Chris Newbold, Jennie Jordan, Paul Kelly, Kristy Diaz

ISBN: 978-1-911396-82-6 HBK; 978-1-911396-83-3 PBK; 978-1-911396-84-0 eBook

A complete guide to developing and running a festival from inception to evaluation, covering all aspects of festival management and key central issues and contemporary debates.

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Cases For Event Management and Event Tourism 79468 visits

Vassilios Ziakas, Donald Getz

ISBN: 978-1-915097-34-7 hbk; 978-1-915097-36-1 pbk; 978-1-915097-35-4 eBook

A must have collection for all those studying and teaching event management and event tourism.

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Dictionary of Event Studies, Event Management and Event Tourism 81999 visits

Donald Getz

ISBN: 9781911635796 Hbk; 9781911635802 eBook

An ontology of the study of planned events and the professional practice of event management and event tourism; User friendly explanations and language to explain and contextualise jargon and technical terms within this wide and varied field; E version has an interactive function with hyperlinks to sources, books in the EMTM series as well as ability to bookmark pages, instant linkage to cross references and more.

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