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Tourism > climate change

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International Tourism Futures 2nd edition 22447 visits

The Drivers and Impacts of Change

Clare Lade, Paul Strickland, Elspeth Frew, Paul Willard, Sandra Cherro Osorio, Astrid Nørfelt

ISBN: 9781915097941 PBK; 9781915097958 HBK; 9781915097965 eBook

Examines influential factors such as the demographic, political, economic and technological changes, which will affect the nature, trends and participation in tourism, hospitality and events

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Emerging Trends in Consumer Behaviour in the Service Sector 119732 visits

Saloomeh Tabari, Nazan Colmekcioglu, Wei Chen

ISBN: Hardback: 9781915097620; Paperback: 9781915097637; eBook: 9781915097644; DOI: 10.23912/9781915097644-5756

A fresh and comprehensive perspective on current and innovative topics related to consumer preferences, attitudes, perceptions and reactions in service industries. It delves into the impact of contemporary trends and emerging technology, by providing a holistic view on the future of the trends and behaviour within the service sector.

Forthcoming title

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 3775 visits

Revolutionising Experiences

Roya Rahimi, Nikolaos Stylos, Eva M. Navarro-López, Prashant Pillai

ISBN: 9781915097859 HBK; 9781915097842 PBK; 9781911635529 eBook

Provides in-depth insights, practical examples and best practices in the fields of tourism, hospitality and events. It goes beyond theoretical concepts and to explore the real-world implementation of AI technologies, highlighting their potential impact and benefits within the industry.

Forthcoming title

Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 4th edition 2468 visits

Simon Hudson, Louise Hudson

ISBN: HBK: 9781917433112; PBK:9781917433105; EBOOK: 9781917433129

The fourth edition of this book – like those before - is easy to read, very current, and full of references to all the latest research. It contains brand new material on issues surrounding sustainability and AI in the context of customer services.

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