Contemporary Cases in Tourism
Edited by Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University and Alan Fyall, University of Central Florida
ISBN: 978-1-906884-53-6
Contemporary Cases in Tourism: Volume 1 presents 11 international case studies, collected under the headings of marketing tourism, sustainable tourism and niche tourism. Specific cases include: addressing climate change in the tourism industry, branding legacies arising from the South Africa FIFA 2010 World Cup, slow tourism, destination marketing of Dubai, farm tourism and many more. Written by a team of experts who are established in their respective fields, it comprises substantial, in-depth and detailed case studies, written with specific learning objectives in mind. Furthermore, each case is fully referenced in academic style and is accompanied by a wealth of supplementary material including discussion questions, further reading, links to websites, etc. Teaching notes, slides, essay questions, exam questions with guide answers, links to further resources are also available from the website (www.goodfellowpublishers.com).
All of the cases in Contemporary Cases in Tourism: Volume 1 are available for individual download from the Contemporary Cases Online website and can be purchased in a ‘pick and mix’ fashion to suit the needs of the reader. The online cases are packed with links to original sources, further readings, websites and in-text hyperlinks. Readers can follow these hyperlinks to obtain further information about the specific concepts, terms, issues and organisations identified in each case.
Contemporary Cases in Tourism: Volume 1 is the first in the Contemporary Cases Series. This is a series of texts which provides cases of comparable quality, focused specifically on the emerging fields of tourism, heritage, hospitality, leisure, retail, events and sport. The Contemporary Cases Series is intended to be dynamic, current and stimulating, delivering cases that are original rather than overworked, flexible rather than formulaic, challenging and controversial rather than prescriptive and conventional
Features of this book and those in the series include:
Topical currency: a series of up-to-date, topical case studies in the allied fields of tourism, heritage, hospitality, leisure, retail, events and sport.
Rich, in-depth treatment of material: extensive case studies with copious illustrative material to draw students in to the cases.
Additional student material: discussion questions, further reading, links to websites.
Tutor resources: teaching notes, slides, essay questions, exam questions with guide answers, links to further resources.
Online purchase: individual cases chapters will be available for purchase individually or in volume packages.
Volume 1 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Case Study Approach: Wrongly Maligned?
Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University and Alan Fyall, Bournemouth University
Section 1: Marketing Tourism
Chapter 2: ‘This Other Eden’: Marketing the National Botanic Garden of Wales
Ian Keirle, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 3: South Africa 2010: Leveraging Nation Brand Benefits from the FIFA World Cup
Brendon Knott, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Alan Fyall, Bournemouth University and Ian Jones, Bournemouth University
Chapter 4: Definitely Dubai: Destination Branding in Action
Paul Williams and Nick Ashill, both American University of Sharjah
Section 2: Sustainable Tourism
Chapter 5: Visitor Management at a World Heritage Site: Skara Brae Prehistoric Village
Anna Leask, Edinburgh Napier University and Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 6: Tourism, Climate Change and Carbon Management: Three Case Studies
Stefan Gössling, Lund University and Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 7: Slow Travel: European Cycle Tourism
Janet Dickinson, Bournemouth University and Les Lumsdon, University of Central Lancashire
Section 3: Niche Tourism
Chapter 8: Diversification into Farm Tourism: Case Studies from Wales
Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 9: Bumps for Boomers: Marketing Sport Tourism to the Aging Tourist
Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina
Chapter 10: Community Involvement in Trekking Tourism: The Rinjani Trek Ecotourism Programme, Lombok, Indonesia and Carl Cater, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 11: World Heritage Site Designation: New Lanark World Heritage Site, Scotland
Anna Leask, Edinburgh Napier University
Dr Brian Garrod is Reader in Tourism Management at Aberystwyth University. He has published five books, and written over thirty journal papers and book chapters. He is Book Reviews Editor of the Journal of Heritage Tourism, Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecotourism and an editorial board member of Tourism in Marine Environments and the International Journal of Sustainable Development.
Professor Alan Fyall is Orange County Endowed Professor of Tourism Marketing and Graduate Programs Director at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA. He has published widely in his fields of expertise and is the author of over 100 articles, book chapters and conference papers as well as ten books including Tourism Principles & Practice, one of the leading international textbooks on the subject. Alan has organised a number of international conferences and workshops and sits on the editorial boards of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Heritage Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research and Tourism Recreation Research while he is book review editor on Anatolia. Alan has conducted numerous consulting and applied research projects for clients across the UK and overseas and currently serves on the ESRC Cluster Advisory Board for Exeter University Business School.
Pub Date:November 2011
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120
All of the cases in Contemporary Cases in Tourism: Volume 1 are available for individual download from the Contemporary Cases Online website and can be purchased in a ‘pick and mix’ fashion to suit the needs of the reader. The online cases are packed with links to original sources, further readings, websites and in-text hyperlinks. Readers can follow these hyperlinks to obtain further information about the specific concepts, terms, issues and organisations identified in each case.
Contemporary Cases in Tourism: Volume 1 is the first in the Contemporary Cases Series. This is a series of texts which provides cases of comparable quality, focused specifically on the emerging fields of tourism, heritage, hospitality, leisure, retail, events and sport. The Contemporary Cases Series is intended to be dynamic, current and stimulating, delivering cases that are original rather than overworked, flexible rather than formulaic, challenging and controversial rather than prescriptive and conventional
Features of this book and those in the series include:
Topical currency: a series of up-to-date, topical case studies in the allied fields of tourism, heritage, hospitality, leisure, retail, events and sport.
Rich, in-depth treatment of material: extensive case studies with copious illustrative material to draw students in to the cases.
Additional student material: discussion questions, further reading, links to websites.
Tutor resources: teaching notes, slides, essay questions, exam questions with guide answers, links to further resources.
Online purchase: individual cases chapters will be available for purchase individually or in volume packages.
Volume 1 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Case Study Approach: Wrongly Maligned?
Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University and Alan Fyall, Bournemouth University
Section 1: Marketing Tourism
Chapter 2: ‘This Other Eden’: Marketing the National Botanic Garden of Wales
Ian Keirle, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 3: South Africa 2010: Leveraging Nation Brand Benefits from the FIFA World Cup
Brendon Knott, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Alan Fyall, Bournemouth University and Ian Jones, Bournemouth University
Chapter 4: Definitely Dubai: Destination Branding in Action
Paul Williams and Nick Ashill, both American University of Sharjah
Section 2: Sustainable Tourism
Chapter 5: Visitor Management at a World Heritage Site: Skara Brae Prehistoric Village
Anna Leask, Edinburgh Napier University and Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 6: Tourism, Climate Change and Carbon Management: Three Case Studies
Stefan Gössling, Lund University and Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 7: Slow Travel: European Cycle Tourism
Janet Dickinson, Bournemouth University and Les Lumsdon, University of Central Lancashire
Section 3: Niche Tourism
Chapter 8: Diversification into Farm Tourism: Case Studies from Wales
Brian Garrod, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 9: Bumps for Boomers: Marketing Sport Tourism to the Aging Tourist
Simon Hudson, University of South Carolina
Chapter 10: Community Involvement in Trekking Tourism: The Rinjani Trek Ecotourism Programme, Lombok, Indonesia and Carl Cater, Aberystwyth University
Chapter 11: World Heritage Site Designation: New Lanark World Heritage Site, Scotland
Anna Leask, Edinburgh Napier University
About the editors
Dr Brian Garrod is Reader in Tourism Management at Aberystwyth University. He has published five books, and written over thirty journal papers and book chapters. He is Book Reviews Editor of the Journal of Heritage Tourism, Associate Editor of the Journal of Ecotourism and an editorial board member of Tourism in Marine Environments and the International Journal of Sustainable Development.
Professor Alan Fyall is Orange County Endowed Professor of Tourism Marketing and Graduate Programs Director at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida, USA. He has published widely in his fields of expertise and is the author of over 100 articles, book chapters and conference papers as well as ten books including Tourism Principles & Practice, one of the leading international textbooks on the subject. Alan has organised a number of international conferences and workshops and sits on the editorial boards of Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Heritage Tourism, International Journal of Tourism Research and Tourism Recreation Research while he is book review editor on Anatolia. Alan has conducted numerous consulting and applied research projects for clients across the UK and overseas and currently serves on the ESRC Cluster Advisory Board for Exeter University Business School.
Publication and Prices
Pub Date:November 2011
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120