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Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 3rd edn 118111 visits

Simon Hudson, Louise Hudson

ISBN: 9781915097132 hbk; 9781915097149 pbk; 9781915097156 eBook

A fully updated new edition of this bestselling text that explains not only the theory behind the importance of customer service but also acts as a guidebook for those wishing to put this theory into practice. With 10 new international cases focusing on how some in the hospitality sector have adapted – and thrived - during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Forthcoming title

Customer Service for Hospitality and Tourism 4th edition 2309 visits

Simon Hudson, Louise Hudson

ISBN: HBK: 9781917433112; PBK:9781917433105; EBOOK: 9781917433129

The fourth edition of this book – like those before - is easy to read, very current, and full of references to all the latest research. It contains brand new material on issues surrounding sustainability and AI in the context of customer services.

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