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Case Study 6 Achieving a low carbon transition in Japan, the role of motor vehicle lifetime

DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-64-7-3270

ISBN: 978-1-910158-64-7

Published: November 2016

Component type: chapter

Published in: Low Carbon Mobility Transitions

Parent DOI: 10.23912/978-1-910158-64-7-2847



In order to achieve climate change mitigation goals, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Japan’s household sector is critical. Accomplishing a transition to low carbon and energy efficient consumer goods is particularly valuable as a policy tool for reducing emissions in the residential sector. This case study presents an analysis of the lifetime of personal vehicles in Japan, and considers the optimal scenario in terms of retention and disposal, specifically as it relates to GHG emissions. Using data from Japan, the case study shows the critical importance of including whole-of-life energy and carbon calculations when assessing the contributions that new technologies can make towards low carbon mobility transitions. While energy-efficiency gains are important, replacing technologies can overlook the energy and carbon embedded in the production phase. Without this perspective, policy designed to reduce GHG emissions may result in increased emissions and further exacerbate global climate change.

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  • Shigemi Kagawa, Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University, Japan (Author)
  • Daisuke Nishijima, Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University, Japan (Author)
  • Yuya Nakamoto, Faculty of Economics, Kyushu University, Japan (Author)

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Kagawa, Nishijima & Nakamoto, 2016

Kagawa, S., Nishijima, D. & Nakamoto, Y. (2016) "Case Study 6 Achieving a low carbon transition in Japan, the role of motor vehicle lifetime" In: Hopkins, D. & Higham, J. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/978-1-910158-64-7-3270


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Published in Low Carbon Mobility Transitions

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