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Author Information

Goodfellow Publishers aims to offer authors a complete service through publishing in all media internationally. Our key aims are:


We believe that marketing should be effective and targeted directly to the book or multimedia buyer - whether they are students, faculty members, adopters for text books, individuals, managers or institutional buyers. We know that this can best be achieved by:
  • Analysing each book and its intended users and preparing an individual marketing plan
  • Using the author's knowledge and contacts fully
  • Maximising accurate contact databases
  • Attendance at key conferences and events
  • Creative use of PR in selected media
  • Having a creative approach to web based marketing- all our materials are fully XML tagged, searchable by all major search engines and search engine optimised at all times
  • Ensuring that 'influencers' and subject leaders are aware of the book
  • Connecting authors and their markets through feedback and development
  • Ensuring availability of books internationally through all main bookstore and online retailers

Delivery to Market

To ensure that buyers can get materials in the form that they want we will market in a mixture of channels:
  • Hard copy: Print on Demand (POD) technology allows us to make hard copy books available anywhere in the world in any quantity as customers require them
  • e-Book delivery: through all major e-book suppliers internationally
  • Online: where appropriate downloads of fully tagged high value versions or elements of any of our materials direct from our site using e-commerce and site license agreements
We can back up materials we supply with podcasts, video and audio products as well as creating blogs and communities online for authors to communicate with their audience directly.


We have wide experience of publishing all types of book from textbooks to professional titles and a range of online materials. Using the latest technology, including of course POD (Print on Demand), this means that we can edit, design, and fully XML tag titles to industry standards and then take them to market in hard copy and simultaneously online in under 4 months.

We have wide experience of international markets across academic and professional business and are able to assist in shaping projects for the market and developing their full commercial potential.


If you are writing in our areas we would of course be delighted to talk to you and the Contact us feature on the website will allow you to do this using our proposal form. The Author FAQs section on the site is also designed to let you know more about our publishing and delivery systems.

Author Guidelines and Manuscript Preparation Notes

We have prepared a short document to guide our authors through the process of preparing their manuscript for submission. By adhering to these guidelines as closely as possible, it will make for a smoother and simpler production process for all. If there are any queries, please do not hesitate to contact either Sally North (sally.north@goodfellowpublishers.com) or Tim Goodfellow (tim.goodfellow@goodfellowpublishers.com). Please download the guide here.


All of our publishing is done in the most environmentally responsible way possible using international POD technology based in, and therefore local to, major world markets. We do not store physical books or transport them over large distances. All of our titles are printed on paper which is SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) Certified. Book jacket paper is dual certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and SFI.

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