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3Contemporary Tourism: an international approach 4th edition
ISBN: 9781911396765 HBK; 9781911396772 PBK; 9781911396789 eBook Now in its fourth edition,it discusses issues such as overtourism, advances in AI and its impacts, waste management and environmental crisis, the sharing economy and Airbnb, the tourist experience and product development. More
4Reimagining and Reshaping Events
ISBN: 9781911635871 HBK; 9781911635888 PBK; 9781911635895 eBook A unique and user-friendly text which advances managerial views on how the event industry is transforming. Packed with international real-life case studies and examples, it contextualises theory and illustrates how the industry has had to adapt whilst still considering key technological and sustainability issues. More
5Contemporary Tourism Fifth edition
ISBN: 978-1-915097-16-3 HBK; 978-1-915097-17-0 PBK; 978-1-915097-18-7 eBook A new and refreshing approach to the study of tourism, looking at the far reaching effects that the COVID pandemic has had on the industry and how it has been forced to change, or not, subsequently. More

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