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Chapter 7 The Future of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Teaching and Training

DOI: 10.23912/9781911635222-4744

ISBN: 9781911635222

Published: October 2020

Component type: chapter

Published in: International Tourism Futures

Parent DOI: 10.23912/9781911635222-4383



This chapter examines the ways in which teaching and training in tourism, hospitality and events have evolved and adapted to the contemporary demands of academia and industry. It explores the development of education in tourism, hospitality and events, the contemporary factors which influence teaching and learning, and discusses the rise of Massive Open Online Courses with a particular focus on their potential application within tourism, hospitality and events curriculum. The chapter concludes by providing an overview of Open Badges and their importance in education. At the time of writing, the world has been confronted by the Covid-19 global pandemic which has caused great disruption at all levels. The impact of Covid-19 is briefly addressed in this chapter as the enforcement of social distancing measures has led to a significant increase globally in online education.

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Lade, Strickland, Frew, Willard, Osorio, Nagpal & Vitartas, 2020

Lade, C., Strickland, P., Frew, E., Willard, P., Osorio, S.C., Nagpal, S. & Vitartas, P. (2020) "Chapter 7 The Future of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Teaching and Training" In: Lade, C., Strickland, P., Frew, E., Willard, P., Osorio, S.C., Nagpal, S. & Vitartas, P. (ed) . Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers http://dx.doi.org/10.23912/9781911635222-4744


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Published in International Tourism Futures

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