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Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Networks 164919 visits

Pushing the boundaries

Sara Dolnicar

ISBN: 9781911396512 HBK; 9781911396529 PBK; 9781911396536 Open Access eBook

The first book to present a new conceptual framework which offers an initial explanation for the continuing and rapid success of such 'disruptive innovators’ and their effects on the international hospitality industry

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Collaboration for Sustainable Tourism Development 124051 visits

Janne Liburd, Deborah Edwards

ISBN: 9781911635000 HBK; 9781911635017 PBK; 9781911635024 eBook

Explores the role of collaboration in tourism to sustain livelihoods, create profitable partnerships, and protect cultures and the environment.

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The Story of Hilton Hotels 115251 visits

'Little Americas'

Barbara Czyzewska

ISBN: 9781911396949 HBK; 9781911396956 PBK; 9781911396963 eBook

An informative historical analysis of the development of the company, as well an engaging narrative about Conrad Hilton himself. It analyses some of the key shifts in the area of hotel management including standardisation, asset-light models and delivering the customer experience.

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Event Stakeholders 121518 visits

Theory and methods for event management and tourism

Mathilda van Niekerk, Donald Getz

ISBN: 9781911396635 HBK; 9781911396666 PBK; 9781911396642 eBook

Focuses on stakeholder theory applied to event management and goes beyond traditional approaches by treating event management as an applied field.

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Strategy for Tourism 2nd edition 81119 visits

John Tribe

ISBN: 978-1-910158-61-6 HBK; 978-1-910158-62-3 PBK; 978-1-910158-63-0 eBook

Fully revised and updated, this bestselling text uses an international focus to explain strategic management, analysis and implementation specifically in the tourism industry.

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The Meaning of Luxury in Tourism, Hospitality and Events 125390 visits

John Swarbrooke

ISBN: 9781911396062 HBK; 9781911396079 PBK; 9781911396086 eBook

Examines the concept of luxury and its meaning across tourism, events and hospitality globally

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Talent Management in Hospitality and Tourism 103220 visits

Susan Horner

ISBN: 978-1-910158-66-1 HBK; 978-1-910158-67-8 PBK; 978-1-910158-68-5 eBook

Recruiting and retaining happy and well trained staff is key to the success of all customer-facing businesses. This book is the first to explore on this important topic from an individual and personal perspective.

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Indigenous Tourism 62437 visits

Cases from Australia and New Zealand

Michelle Whitford, Lisa Ruhanen, Anna Carr

ISBN: 9781911396406 HBK; 9781911635284 PBK; 9781911396413 eBook

A collection of unique case studies focusing on issues pertaining to Indigenous tourism planning and development in arguably two of the world’s leading Indigenous tourism destinations.

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Low Carbon Mobility Transitions 101483 visits

Debbie Hopkins, James Higham

ISBN: 978-1-910158-64-7 hbk; 978-1-910158-65-4 eBook

The first edited collection to examine how we can transition to a future of low carbon methods of travel and mobility.

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Tourism & Political Change 2nd edition 89005 visits

Richard Butler, Wantanee Suntikul

ISBN: 9781910158814 hbk; 9781910158821 pbk; 9781910158838 eBook

Tourism is a vital tool for political and economic change. Calls for boycotts by tourists of countries reflect the huge impact that tourist activity and the tourism industry has on political change.

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