Tourism and Demography
Ian Yeoman, Cathy Hsu, Karen Smith, Sandra Watson
ISBN: 978-1-906884-15-4
Demography is the most important external factor that will shape the future of the tourism. Current demographic trends will change the demand for tourism and the available workforces, which will fundamentally impact on how the industries are structured, how they operate, and how they develop in a sustainable manner. The tourism industry has to know how, why, when and what will occur, the consequences for the industry, and the strategies that need to be put in place now to combat this change.
Tourism and Demography sets out answer these questions through a collection of informed expert opinions about demography trends and how they will shape the future of the tourism industry. Written by a team of international and well respected practitioners and academics, it explores the trends and their implication in a variety of tourism contexts, addressing issues such as:
While demographic change occurs slowly, it shapes workforce structure, levels of disposal income, retirement, and motivational drivers of different cohorts, health, activity, what we consume and more. This book is vital for all students, academics, operators and researchers to further understand of the phenomena of demography and tourism, the changes that will occur and the strategies that need to be adopted.
Ian Yeoman, PhD, is the world’s only futurist specialising in travel and tourism, resident at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Ian has a PhD in Management Science from Edinburgh Napier University and has published extensively in tourism futures. Ian is presently working for governments constructing scenarios about the future of tourism in New Zealand and Holland. Ian’s new book, World Tourism in 2050 is published in 2010. For further details visit www.tomorrrowstourist.com
Cathy H. C. Hsu, PhD, is Professor and Associate Director in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Her co-authored books include Tourism Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective and Marketing Hospitality. Her edited books include Legalized Casino Gaming in the US: The Economic and Social Impact and Casino Industry in Asia Pacific: Development, Operations, and Impact.
Karen A. Smith, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her research and teaching interests focus on supply-side issues in tourism, particularly work and employment, and organisational management. Karen has particular expertise in studying volunteers and co-authored Managing Volunteers in Tourism: attractions, destinations and events (Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009).
Sandra Watson, PhD, is Professor of Human Resource Development at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. Her research interests are centred on leadership development and management practice in the hospitality industry. Sandra has published extensively in hospitality, human resource management and human resource development journals and texts. She is Executive Director of Edinburgh Institute of Leadership and Management Practice, which provides research informed business solutions including executive development, consultancy and CPD interventions to organisations in the UK and Asia.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14
Pub Date: November 2010
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120
E-Chapter: £4.99, Euro 5.99, US$ 7.99 each
To request an inspection copy, please complete this form. * Please note that this title is available as an e-inspection only.
Tourism and Demography sets out answer these questions through a collection of informed expert opinions about demography trends and how they will shape the future of the tourism industry. Written by a team of international and well respected practitioners and academics, it explores the trends and their implication in a variety of tourism contexts, addressing issues such as:
- population growth, declining fertility rates, increased longevity, and immigration and labour migration;
- Generation Y in the context of Travel Futures, Volunteer tourism and global citizenship;
- International contexts and the need for change strategies; such as Arizona and US Tourism, Asian tourism and Micronesian islands.
While demographic change occurs slowly, it shapes workforce structure, levels of disposal income, retirement, and motivational drivers of different cohorts, health, activity, what we consume and more. This book is vital for all students, academics, operators and researchers to further understand of the phenomena of demography and tourism, the changes that will occur and the strategies that need to be adopted.
Contents: 1 - Demography and Tourism, 2 - Tomorrow's Tourists: the implications of demographic change for tourism attitudes and behaviours, 3 - An Aging Population and Changing Family Structures, 4 - Families in Nature Tourism: Trends in Holiday Locations and Activities, 5 - VFR Travellers of the Future, 6 - Generation Y and Travel Futures, 7 - Gap year Travel Alternatives: Gen-Y, Volunteer Tourism and Global Citizenship, 8 - What Does Generation Y Want from Conferences and Incentive Programmes? Implications for the Business Tourism Industry, 9 - US Tourism: Arizona at the Leading Edge, 10 - Micronesian Islands: Adapting to Change, 11 - 'It's the People You Know': The Collection and Analysis of Demographic Data by Tourism Managers and Marketers, 12 - Demographic Changes and the Labour Market in the International Tourism Industry, 13 - Asian Tourism and Management Landscapes, 14 Conclusion
About the editors
Ian Yeoman, PhD, is the world’s only futurist specialising in travel and tourism, resident at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Ian has a PhD in Management Science from Edinburgh Napier University and has published extensively in tourism futures. Ian is presently working for governments constructing scenarios about the future of tourism in New Zealand and Holland. Ian’s new book, World Tourism in 2050 is published in 2010. For further details visit www.tomorrrowstourist.com
Cathy H. C. Hsu, PhD, is Professor and Associate Director in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Her co-authored books include Tourism Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective and Marketing Hospitality. Her edited books include Legalized Casino Gaming in the US: The Economic and Social Impact and Casino Industry in Asia Pacific: Development, Operations, and Impact.
Karen A. Smith, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her research and teaching interests focus on supply-side issues in tourism, particularly work and employment, and organisational management. Karen has particular expertise in studying volunteers and co-authored Managing Volunteers in Tourism: attractions, destinations and events (Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009).
Sandra Watson, PhD, is Professor of Human Resource Development at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. Her research interests are centred on leadership development and management practice in the hospitality industry. Sandra has published extensively in hospitality, human resource management and human resource development journals and texts. She is Executive Director of Edinburgh Institute of Leadership and Management Practice, which provides research informed business solutions including executive development, consultancy and CPD interventions to organisations in the UK and Asia.
Chapter extracts
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14
Publication and Prices
Pub Date: November 2010
Hardback: £75, Euro 98, US$ 120
E-Chapter: £4.99, Euro 5.99, US$ 7.99 each
To request an inspection copy, please complete this form. * Please note that this title is available as an e-inspection only.